Thursday, October 13, 2011

October 13

Zombie Apocalypse Survival Guide

This project was for Digital Imaging class. The objective was to create a piece that demonstrated a process.
I chose to do my project on how to survive if there was a zombie apocalypse. I created this booklet that folds up and reveals more each time you unfold it. 
I started out on paper. After folding it up, I sketched  everything out so I could tell later on where everything had to be.
I wanted to use just stick figures to demonstrate what should be done. 
After researching different stick figures, I created them in Illustrator. I then created the graphics and type and imported them into Photoshop then where I did the rest of the work.
I created each section and began placing the images in the desired location. I referred to the sketch that I made previously to know where to place the images that will overlap the folds. 
After I printed it out and folded it I was happy to see that everything lined up fine and I was pleased with the project.

Friday the 12th Parody Poster
The goal of this project was to create a movie poster that parodies an already existing movie.
I chose to parody Friday the 13th. My idea was: What happens on Friday the 12th?
Seeing how Friday the 13th is an unlucky day, I thought Friday the 12th should be a happy day.
With that in mind, I chose to design the poster like a romantic comedy movie.
I found different photographs of camp-like scenes and added them to a grid I created.
Then, using the Friday the 13th movie poster for reference, I began to create the credits for the movie.
After doing research on what font is mostly used for the credits I began to type out the names.
When I finished that I began to work on the logos for the companies. I decided to parody them also instead of using the real company logos.
For the movie title, I used Adobe Illustrator's 3D effects to create the 3D type.
I then, finally started to create Jason. After finding his mask, a model, and flowers on a stock image site, I composited the images together.
I adjusted the levels and saturation of each image, and also added some shadows, so that they would blend together and look unified.  

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